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USA REMOVED ! Sikhs Want Gurus' Portraits Removed From Hollywood Bar


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Sikhs Want Guru’s Portraits Removed from Hollywood Bar

By Sunita Sohrabji


The Maharaja Room at Pikey Café in Hollywood, Calif., currently has several portraits of Guru Gobind Singh on its walls. Concerned community members have asked the restaurant to take the portraits down. (Pikey Café photo)

United Sikhs has initiated a petition drive and plans to initiate a boycott with the aim of getting the owners of a Hollywood, Calif., restaurant – Pikey Café and Bar – to remove portraits of Sikh Guru Gobind Singh from the establishment’s walls.

“Our religion is very against drinking. Hanging pictures of our guru where people are drinking is very disrespectful,” Karam Grewal, who alerted this publication to the issue, told India-West. “Images of Guru Gobind Singh are only found in gurdwaras or in private homes,” the Indian American said, adding that Pikey has tried to create an Indo-British feel to its Maharaja room, where portraits of maharajahs hang alongside pictures of Sikh saints.

Grewal said that in the past week, she has contacted the bar multiple times. On the first occasion, she spoke to Noam – he only gave Grewal his first name – who said the portraits would be taken down. On subsequent occasions, Grewal was told to contact the Pikey parent company, Committed, Inc., founded by New York hotelier Sean MacPherson.

“They’re being passive aggressive. They have said they will take them down, but have not told us when. They realize that they have hurt a lot of people, but they’re not doing anything about it,” she said, adding that Pikey’s managers should close that part of the restaurant or at least cover the portraits until the matter is settled.

Committed, Inc. owns eight restaurants in Southern California, including two branches of the Swingers’ Diner, Bar Lubitsch, Jones Hollywood, El Carmen, and the Roger Room. MacPherson is also owner of the Bowery Hotel and the Jane Hotel, and recently opened the Marlton, all in New York. His estimated net worth is $800 million.

MacPherson was unreachable for comment at the Committed, Inc.’s West Hollywood headquarters. Abraham Beltran, controller at Committed, Inc., had not returned several calls or an e-mail for comment by press time.

Manmeet Singh, legal director for United Sikhs, told India-West that his organization would initiate a boycott of MacPherson’s vast empire if the portraits are not removed within the week.

“In the teachings of Sikh religion, all intoxicants are banned,” he said. “To put up pictures of Guru Gobind Singh, and other Sikh gurus, in an environment that promotes alcohol is utterly disrespectful,” Singh stated.

United Sikhs sent a letter to Committed, Inc., but Singh said he did not receive much response. However, photos of Guru Gobind Singh’s portraits were removed from the Pikey L.A. Web site. Singh did speak to Pikey assistant manager Hallelujah Walcott, who told him that the portraits would be removed “very soon.” However, no definite timeline was established.

“This is something they cannot hide away,” stated Singh, adding that local Sikhs will go to Pikey each day to see if the portraits have been taken down.

The petition can be viewed on the United Sikhs Web site. Singh said he has asked the restaurant’s proprietors to donate the portraits to a local gurdwara, where they belong, he said.


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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
admin note. This is a story late getting posted. It is about 3-4 days old now. Events in Nairobi and New York City distracted me from posting it right away. In my opinion it is an outrage. Of course many a sophisticate can make an argument to the contrary, However, when in recent memory were images of leaders of various other religions posted in bars? Here is a link to the United Sikhs petition. Please consider applying some pressure.



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
5 hours ago

Management of US bar assures removal of Sikh Gurus' portraits


WASHINGTON: The management of a pub in the city of Hollywood near Los Angeles which displayed posters of Sikh Gurus in their bar area, outraging the community members, has said that pictures would soon be removed.

The North American Punjabi Association, which is leading the campaign against the Pike Cafe and Bar, said that its management has assured them that the portraits would be removed by Thursday.

In a statement NAPA spokesperson, Satnam Singh Chahal, said the bar owner expressed his ignorance over the significance of these portraits and said that they were not aware these portraits were of Sikh Gurus.

The bar is owned by an Committed, Inc. which owns eight restaurants in Southern California, including two branches of the Swingers' Diner, Bar Lubitsch, Jones Hollywood, El Carmen, and the Roger Room.

Macpherson is also owner of the Bowery Hotel and the Jane Hotel, and the recently opened The Marlton all in New York.

In a letter to Congressman John Germandy, NAPA said displaying full size portraits of the Sikh Gurus in a bar where alcohol is being served was hurting the religious sentiments of the Sikh Community.

"Manager of the bar Mr Hallyeluyah assured me that before the end of the day he will remove all the portraits of the Sikh Gurus from their establishment," Chahal said in his letter, adding that the portraits were not removed till Wednes

Inderjeet Kaur

Oct 13, 2011
Seattle, Washington, USA
So, have they been removed?

This is the latest I can find, dated September 24. They were still up then. The article says:

They’re being passive aggressive. They have said they will take them down, but have not told us when. They realize that they have hurt a lot of people, but they’re not doing anything about it,” [Karam Grewal] said, adding that Pikey’s managers should close that part of the restaurant or at least cover the portraits until the matter is settled.

Read more at http://www.indiawest.com/news/13770...d-from-hollywood-bar.html#CmMdUVTtAvxTIYXw.99
Last edited:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Details now available

Sikh Gurus’ Portraits removed from Los Angeles Bar and Cafe
By Parmjit Singh


Los Angeles, California (October 03, 2013): It is learnt that United Sikhs International Civil and Human Rights Advocacy (ICHRA) Team received an email confirmation from the Pikey Bar and Café Management detailing that the portraits of the Sikh Guru’s have been removed from the Bar as of October 1st, 2013.

After learning of the portraits, United Sikhs first wrote to the Bar management on August 29th, 2013 expressing deep concern and anguish of the community. We explained to them why this act is so disrespectful, and asked for immediate measures to be taken to address it. Specifically, we requested for removal of the portraits, and offered to have them transported to the nearest gurudwara.

Pikey Bar and Restaurant management responded by removing the pictures of the portraits from their website, but did not acknowledge receipt of our communication. After numerous follow up communications and on being unable to solicit a response, United Sikhs created an online petition on behalf of the Sikh community. The petition requested the Pikey Bar and Restaurant management to respect the religious sentiments of the Sikhs by removing the portraits of the revered Sikh gurus from the Bar. It informed the management that to hang the portraits of the Sikh gurus in an establishment serving alcohol is a sacrilegious act.

A few days after the petition was launched, the Pikey Management contacted United Sikhs Staff Attorney Manmeet Singh and confirmed that the management had decided to take down the pictures. After numerous back and forth communications and much convincing, Singh received a call last night from Mr. Abraham Beltran, Special Projects Manager at Committed Inc., the parent company of Pikey Bar and Restaurant, informing that the portraits had been taken down. In an email sent today, Mr.Beltran summarized our conversation confirming the removal, and shared the attached picture which shows that the portraits are no longer there.

“United Sikhs is humbled to successfully address another issue which had deeply hurt the sentiments of the Sikhs. In future, we hope business establishments will be more considerate of, and sensitive towards religious sentiments of every community” said Manmeet Singh.

“We would like to thank Mr. Abraham Beltran and the management of Pikey Bar & Café for understanding the sensitivity of this issue, and taking the right step”, he said.

“Our heartfelt gratitude to S. Parminder Singh of Buena Park for informing us about this issue, the community and individual activists who have written to and called the Pikey management directly and signed the petition”, Manmeet Singh added.

Inderjeet Kaur

Oct 13, 2011
Seattle, Washington, USA
It's great that the pictures are down, an absolute necessity. We could not let up until this insult of our feelings was righted.

Let us not overlook the fact that the bar owners wanted those pictures displayed because they discovered what we have known all along: Our Gurus Sahiban are awesome and our pictures of them, phony though they be, are awesome, as well.

Shall we next confront the many, many Sikh-owned restaurants and grocery stores where alcohol and even tobacco products are sold that display pictures of Gurus? In a way, this is even more egregious because the perpetrators are Sikhs who should know better.



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