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  1. Sinister

    Johnnie Walker: Friend Or Foe?

    Johnnie Walker and Jack Daniels: Friends or Foes? Kabeer Bhaang Maachhulee Sura Paan Jo Jo praanee Khaanhe. Teerath Barat Nem Keeye Te Sabhai Rasaatal Jaanhe. 233. SGGS pg.1377. To the displeasure of many, I will try to be fare and balanced on this subject and try to address the...
  2. S

    An Old U.S. Foe Rises Again In Iraq (washingtonpost.com)

    washingtonpost.com - GHARAF, Iraq -- Over the loudspeakers set up in this small town in a backwater of southern Iraq, the commands came in staccato bursts. "Forward!" a man clad in black shouted to the militiamen. "March!"...