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Recent content by P J Singh

  1. P

    Simran and Sikhi

    It is not a simple question, conflicting perspectives have made it a very complex issue. As the saying goes: "For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong " I am working on it and will share my perspective whatever worth it may be. Guru Fetah.
  2. P

    Guru ji, is within and never existed outside.

    Very interesting exchange. When I read Gurbani (AGGS) and make gradual progress along its pages from 1 towards 1430, I experience (metaphorically speaking) a jolt with a sense of amazement by looking at its amazing organization, structure and locking numbering system to block attempts by vested...
  3. P

    The destiny, end of it and freewill

    Thank you for your perspective and for an insightful response to help me understand. I truly appreciate the time and effort you took to put together these thoughts. 1) You asked me why AGGS and not SGGS? The Guru Sahib's Saroop that I have states as its title: "Adh Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji"...
  4. P

    The destiny, end of it and freewill

    Thank you for sharing these insightful thoughts, I am still drilling into these- quite interesting. I gather you are saying that we have freewill only if we are on the path of spiritual discovery and awakening ( as laid out in AGGS) and if we remain buried in the material world then all our...
  5. P

    Simran and Sikhi

    I see the author of this blog, like many other well-informed Sikhs" express disdain with chanting of Wahe Guru or any other word. It is viewed as a useless exercise. Is it truly a useless exercise., I often wonder? The author writes: " The message within a Shabd cannot be chanted. In fact, no...
  6. P

    Guru ji, is within and never existed outside.

    Thank you Swarn Bains: I am quite intrigued by your comment and request some clarification. You say you have a Guru who gave you a sabad that you are reciting for over 50 years. I believe it is someone who is a living person. Am I correct? Can you please help me understand how did you...
  7. P

    Guru ji, is within and never existed outside.

    The body is the city where the Lord dwells. Through the Guru's teachings, the mind is guided and imbued with the Lord, Har Har. When I read the first line (copied above) of this post, it clearly does not align with what the writer is trying to convey " guru ji is within and never existed...
  8. P

    Is There Freewill In Sikhism?

    FREE WILL - Absolute or Quasi It is indeed a very intriguing topic. Do we have free will to think, act, reflect etc. If we do not have the ability to act freely, then why would Gurbani nudge us over and over again to do "all the good things' that it tells us to do to get and get to the...
  9. P

    Simran and Sikhi

    It is an interesting article -- a research article -- as some one remarked, it is very long and should be read bit by bit. However, reading is not enough, its understanding must be carried out by asking questions. Often we blame Sikh clergy ( ragi, parcharks, kathavachaks etc.) for...
  10. P

    ਗੁਰੂ ਨਾਨਕ ਦੇਵ ਜੀ ਦੇ ਚਰਨ ਚਿਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਤੇ ਦਿੱਲੀ ਤੋਂ ਲਦਾਖ -1

    It is good that you plan to put together all this in a form of book so that the entire information that you have put together is stored in a bounded form. Books often stay on shelves and only those who have some clue or those who by accident run into such non-referenced material are fortunate...
  11. P

    ਗੁਰੂ ਨਾਨਕ ਦੇਵ ਜੀ ਦੇ ਚਰਨ ਚਿਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਤੇ ਦਿੱਲੀ ਤੋਂ ਲਦਾਖ -1

    Just wondering, do you have a pdf version of this entire document for dissemination that can be shared (with your permission) with others by e-mail. If so, I would be interested. Thanks Paramjit Singh
  12. P

    ਗੁਰੂ ਨਾਨਕ ਦੇਵ ਜੀ ਦੇ ਚਰਨ ਚਿਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਤੇ ਦਿੱਲੀ ਤੋਂ ਲਦਾਖ -1

    Simply remarkable!!!!! Thank you for sharing this profound history about Guru Sahib's journey for the present and future readers/ visitors to this site. May Guru Sahib bless you and all those who have worked with you in putting together this enlightening narrative. Guru Fetah Ji Paramjit Singh
  13. P

    Why Has Waheguru Blessed Us With A Son With Autism?

    Dear singh_man: Guru Fetah! I just read this thread and I see many caring and thoughtful individuals have come forward to give you advice to cope with the challenge you are confronted with. Your son may be autistic but I bet he is as loving and beautiful to you as any child to a parent. I...
  14. P

    8.4 Million Species ?

    Guru Fetah Ji: Thank you for sharing your paper : “ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ ਵਿੱਚ ਚੌਰਾਸੀ ਲੱਖ ਦੀ ਗਿਣਤੀ ਦਾ ਭੇਦ” providing a comprehensive list of Gurbani quotes leading to the conclusion that : ਗੁਰੂ ਸਾਹਿਬਾਨ ਨੇ ਚੌਰਾਸੀ ਲੱਖ ਨੂੰ ਅਣਗਿਣਤ ਧਰਤੀਆਂ, ਜੀਵ ਜੰਤਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਜੂਨੀਆਂ ਦੀ ਸਿੰਬੋਲਕਿ ਬਹੁ ਗਿਣਤੀ ( symbolic reference to...
  15. P

    8.4 Million Species ?

    Guru Fetah Ji: I believe, Gurmat is a holistic pursuit. If we put aside this foundational premise than we run the risk of mis-interpreting Gurbani and more specifically we misconstrue the sabads that we deliberately scan and select to make a point. The very approach of selecting a sabad...