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Sikh Girls Marrying Non Sikhs In India

Nov 21, 2017
I do apologise, But I read topic here somewhere about Sikh girls marrying non Sikhs, I m strongly agreed with that topic and it's 100% true, That Sikhs girls prefer do marry with Non Sikhs guys in India. ..The reason behind it vary. .I got chance to travel different part of India and observed, Really lot of Sikh girls married in Non Sikh families and mostly have affairs with Hindu boys. ..

In my next post I will try to share my observation, When I got any response from readers. .


Aug 13, 2012
I do apologise, But I read topic here somewhere about Sikh girls marrying non Sikhs, I m strongly agreed with that topic and it's 100% true, That Sikhs girls prefer do marry with Non Sikhs guys in India. ..The reason behind it vary. .I got chance to travel different part of India and observed, Really lot of Sikh girls married in Non Sikh families and mostly have affairs with Hindu boys. ..

In my next post I will try to share my observation, When I got any response from readers. .


Dec 22, 2009
I do apologise, But I read topic here somewhere about Sikh girls marrying non Sikhs, I m strongly agreed with that topic and it's 100% true, That Sikhs girls prefer do marry with Non Sikhs guys in India. ..The reason behind it vary. .I got chance to travel different part of India and observed, Really lot of Sikh girls married in Non Sikh families and mostly have affairs with Hindu boys. ..

In my next post I will try to share my observation, When I got any response from readers. .

Lol. I don't understand why this is such a passionate concern. You will only end up with 1 woman.

Also, as much as our culture tries, you can't shame or Control girls (or boys) into doing what you want. All you can do is treat the other person well.

Sikh men marry outside too, it's not just women. Also, how do you Know these women in different parts of India are Sikh? Ethnically, people tend to look pretty similar...
Nov 21, 2017
>Thx for responding mate, doesn't matter about my ending with one girl, I m already married and blessed with two little princess,Bro. In last one decade you may see one more trend in India ( Ghar Wapsi and Love Jehad) as well as imposing their faith rites forcibly on Sikh girls, they influence Sikh girls by their artifical beauty and shine for convert them to their religions, It's danger for " Sovereign State" in future, Sikh population in India is already declined, While Muslims and Hindu population is grows frequently,
Indian politics is depends on " Vote Bank" and based upon community and castism, It will also effect @Sikh Referendum 2020@ in Canada, How possible for minorities to make their own candidate as PM or CM ?
>>My apologise to say that, Media and Locality playing an important roles to spreading Hinduism ideology among in India,Vulgarity and Bold scene in movies effect teenage psychology , which leads them to " illegal relation" with others community , Due to the privacy leak fear they indulged with other community Boys, and later on their parents got agreed in Interfaith marriages. ..I knows lot of families their girls are ran with their servants including " Bihari Bahiyye"
Girl married in other religion will follow the same faith as her husband following and her kids would be grows as per their (His) faith. .Women is consider "Jag Jan ni" If Sikh "Jan ni" produce "Hindu or Muslim) it would be double benefit to their religion and harmful for Sikhs. Specially division based on language, population and geographical location (as happened in 1 Nov 1966).
>>>Mate, I am deeply concerned about Sikh community, So I always thinks about our Weak points and Strength,Punjab was became no 1 in "Female foeticide" So female population has been declined on the contrary out side Punjab. ..Sikh girls couldn't find Sikhs boys (Due to their short population) for marry and lots of Sikh girls are working in Shopping malls and multinational companies,So they stay in touch with them and later on Married. .Bro I travelled South, East and West part of India and met with local "Gurdwara" and got info from my known living upthere even their kins girls too. ...."Ghar Wapsi and Love Jehad" getting Reward from agencies to marry with Sikh girls 7 lakh to 9 lakh Indian Rupees respectively. .

Proof attached

Bhull Chuk di Maafi Yachak


  • 2017-11-25 09.11.27.png
    2017-11-25 09.11.27.png
    272.6 KB · Reads: 595


Dec 22, 2009
>Thx for responding mate, doesn't matter about my ending with one girl, I m already married and blessed with two little princess,Bro. In last one decade you may see one more trend in India ( Ghar Wapsi and Love Jehad) as well as imposing their faith rites forcibly on Sikh girls, they influence Sikh girls by their artifical beauty and shine for convert them to their religions, It's danger for " Sovereign State" in future, Sikh population in India is already declined, While Muslims and Hindu population is grows frequently,
Indian politics is depends on " Vote Bank" and based upon community and castism, It will also effect @Sikh Referendum 2020@ in Canada, How possible for minorities to make their own candidate as PM or CM ?
>>My apologise to say that, Media and Locality playing an important roles to spreading Hinduism ideology among in India,Vulgarity and Bold scene in movies effect teenage psychology , which leads them to " illegal relation" with others community , Due to the privacy leak fear they indulged with other community Boys, and later on their parents got agreed in Interfaith marriages. ..I knows lot of families their girls are ran with their servants including " Bihari Bahiyye"
Girl married in other religion will follow the same faith as her husband following and her kids would be grows as per their (His) faith. .Women is consider "Jag Jan ni" If Sikh "Jan ni" produce "Hindu or Muslim) it would be double benefit to their religion and harmful for Sikhs. Specially division based on language, population and geographical location (as happened in 1 Nov 1966).
>>>Mate, I am deeply concerned about Sikh community, So I always thinks about our Weak points and Strength,Punjab was became no 1 in "Female foeticide" So female population has been declined on the contrary out side Punjab. ..Sikh girls couldn't find Sikhs boys (Due to their short population) for marry and lots of Sikh girls are working in Shopping malls and multinational companies,So they stay in touch with them and later on Married. .Bro I travelled South, East and West part of India and met with local "Gurdwara" and got info from my known living upthere even their kins girls too. ...."Ghar Wapsi and Love Jehad" getting Reward from agencies to marry with Sikh girls 7 lakh to 9 lakh Indian Rupees respectively. .

Proof attached

Bhull Chuk di Maafi Yachak

I don't understand why you're assuming I'm your bro... will it make a difference if I'm female?

I suppose SOME of what you say makes sense, but I think the big thing to analyze here is why otherwise intelligent and competent Punjabi girls are choosing this path? What is happening in their upbringing or households that they make this choice? What makes them more vulnerable to "artificial beauty and shine"?

"Due to the privacy leak fear they indulged with other community Boys"--> Are you suggesting that people should be "indulging" before marriage? I personally don't see an issue with some form of dating before marriage, but maybe if our community wasn't so into shaming (often females), there would be more openness?

"Girl married in other religion will follow the same faith as her husband following and her kids would be grows as per their (His) faith." --> Not Necessarily. I know of at least one couple where a black man converted to get married to his Sikh Punjabi wife. But of course, he complains of the xenophobia in the community.
Nov 21, 2017
1) My Apologies and my fault, I said you "Bro" , But you even didn't put any of your middle name after forename, Sikhs Tenth master as well gave us right of gender equity, mostly forenames are common in Boys and Girls in Sikhs, Nor I access to knows your gender ,
2) Mr /Miss/Mrs Navdeep- Intelligent and Competent girls choosing this paths.... coz mostly they're media addicted,Media presents "Bapitised Sikhs" as a joker or character of "fun" from long time and "Shorn Hair or Hindus as a positive character Hero" ...And always peoples follow Watever they watched movies and drama realises strong effect on individuals brain personality and ideology, They do try to copy them. ..Upbringing time lots of Girl and Boys deprived from their great cultural activities and deeds of martyr. ...Foundation and sacrifice of our ancestor for faith. ..They forgot their roots. ...honour. ..Respect. .principles. ..doctrine and numerous factors. ..which we need to discuss with them. .

3) Miss/Mr/Mrs I m not suggesting anyone for Pre-Marry affairs, Specially with in Interfaith. ..and in India,Parents must do focus on activities, Where narrow minded zealots are working on strategy alliance with Government to eliminate minorities with all efforts,

4) My discussion is basis marriage in India, Where conversion is becomes mandatory for making strong "Hindu Nation". .Not for "free countries" like USA UK GERMANY etc. ..Even if knows there's lot of interfaith marriages, some doing that only to get Citizenship.That Christian Black Guy used the word "xenophobia" coz he knows his race and colour, may be his wife's parents may against that marriage so he used, I m sure you wouldn't be listen the word from "White Guy", it's all due to his personality and opposed by "her" parent's. .Lot of Sikh girls and Boys in Christian but mostly are in Developed countries, Where every individual enjoying "fundamental rights and feels safe"
You must check the proof of newspaper article I attached in earlier message. .

My pardon,Mr/Miss/Mrs Navdeep88 You may get all replies in my first reoly if you read it thrice carefully and try to understand the hidden meaning. ..Observation and imagination is very important...


Dec 22, 2009
"My Apologies and my fault, I said you "Bro" , But you even didn't put any of your middle name after forename"
--> You Also do not have your middle name up. Your natural assumption that anyone communicating with you here is a man... remains problematic.

"coz mostly they're media addicted,Media presents "Bapitised Sikhs" as a joker or character of "fun" from long time and "Shorn Hair or Hindus as a positive character Hero" ...And always peoples follow Watever they watched movies and drama realises strong effect on individuals brain personality and ideology, They do try to copy them. ..Upbringing time lots of Girl and Boys deprived from their great cultural activities"
--> Who's fault is this deprivation?? What I find astonishing is that you focus exclusively on these girls, when the issues you present seem to stem from the role of communities or families. I feel like you focus on a shocking disease (and it's seems 'shock' is what your after) without looking at ANY ways of how it might be prevented going forward.

"I m not suggesting anyone for Pre-Marry affairs"
--> But you acknowledge that this is reality on some level. From what you describe, it seems parents have only two options 1) let their daughters have "Private" affairs with non-Punjabi men 2) be more open about the fact that their sons and daughters may want to choose their own marriage partners and have a discussion on what pre-marital dating might look like. Again, this is an issue that is concerned with community and family.

"some doing that only to get Citizenship.That Christian Black Guy used the word "xenophobia" coz he knows his race and colour, may be his wife's parents may against that marriage"
--> I specifically said the reaction was from the COMMUNITY, not the family. Ie, he feels people don't treat him as well because in there's deep rooted beliefs in Punjabi culture that people with darker skin tones are poorer/lower. Also, in case you unaware, most black people in North America already have citizenship as they're born here. Their ancestors were brought here as slaves, and while that history has repercussions today, they are citizens.

"You must check the proof of newspaper article I attached in earlier message..."
--> Translate it to english or Punjabi

"read it thrice carefully and try to understand the hidden meaning. ..Observation and imagination is very important."
--> The meaning should not be hidden, it should be Apparent and accessible.
Nov 21, 2017
Now I realised you're female, Respected Madam Jee, You true about my natural assumption about male
> Who's fault is this deprivation??
It's lack of promote our culture and spreading Sikhism ideology in new generation as well as loose bonding with faith, While Luxury life style and materialistic thoughts are major phenomenon ,
Well I m not only focusing on these girls I m concerned about all " fatal diseases in community " like Drugs, Unemployment, Beadbi incidents(Disrespect of Sri Guru Granth Sahib)Unbalanced Economy of Punjab etc, With the grace of God I got solutions as well, But couldn't stop interfaith marriages in India and I can't implement without supportive governance coz I belongs to poor family.

>> I agreed that Pre Marry affairs have in some levels in community ,But affairs with in non-sikhs leads them to conversion,specially in Hindia.
Parents must teach their kids about moral values lessons specially Girls, Coz in future girl would become "Jan ni" and "Jan ni "would produce warriors! If she married in atrocities families than, Wat she produce ??? (An Vote negative to Sikh Refrendum ??) If Girls would stay In touch with culture, faith and social current affairs, They may get knowledge of our great history and their moral values would be save. You lives in Canada so do not knows about the ground level reality in India, Where minorities is dissolving in Majority with an sponsored propaganda.
>>> Xenophobia used .......Sikh girl married in interfaith would be decline of her own race and personality as I discussed before
I m aware that Black races Christians are Native American and many developed countries, Here I talked about "Desi Girls" who are facing immigration problems.
>>>>Translation of that proof page from Hindi to English:As per " love jehad"
•Marriage with Sikh girl 700000 INR.
•Marriage with Punjabi girl 600000INR.
•Gujrati Girl 600000INR.
Check whole price list for conversion into Islam, But top reward is 700000 INR for marry Sikh girl into Islam. .......On the contrary Saffron Wearer( Ghar Wapsi) offering more than "Love Jehad" for converting Sikh girl into Hindus. ..
Proof attached. .

Bhull Chukk Di Khima Yachak


Look for what is, not what you think should be
Nov 5, 2017
This is addressed to “An humble creature”:

I have been looking at your mysterious thread, including simultaneous threads started by “unknown persons”, regarding similar topics. The timing, the joining of “new” SPNers appears to be too much of a coincidence.

Firstly, it is not clear who or what you are. You say you are a 30 year old with an MBA, and gender undisclosed. You title yourself as “creature”. Contemporary understanding is that a “creature” is “an animal, as distinct from a human being”. So, what, or, who are you really?

Secondly, you appear to have some assumptions regarding gender of SPNers, when you yourself, withhold your own gender. What is your reason?

Thirdly, despite claiming to have an MBA, your English is atrocious, your statements do not make any sense and your agenda appears to be to create chaos and confusion. Additionally, English grammar does not allow for “an humble creature”. Pray, where and how did you get this “MBA”?

Fourthly, at no time have you referred to the SGGS, directly or indirectly, to support any of your statements, nor have you provided any other evidence either. Do you even know what the SGGS is?

I for one shall not fall for your bait, and await your answers. Please, enlighten me, correct me, or, even, admonish me. But give supporting and clear evidence always.

Ek Oankar

Sat Sri Akal
...and while you are at it, kindly explain your endings - "Bhull Chukk Khima Yachak", especially "Yachak".

Ek Oankar

Sat Sri Akal


Aug 13, 2012
>Thx for responding mate, doesn't matter about my ending with one girl, I m already married and blessed with two little princess,Bro. In last one decade you may see one more trend in India ( Ghar Wapsi and Love Jehad) as well as imposing their faith rites forcibly on Sikh girls, they influence Sikh girls by their artifical beauty and shine for convert them to their religions, It's danger for " Sovereign State" in future, Sikh population in India is already declined, While Muslims and Hindu population is grows frequently,
Indian politics is depends on " Vote Bank" and based upon community and castism, It will also effect @Sikh Referendum 2020@ in Canada, How possible for minorities to make their own candidate as PM or CM ?
>>My apologise to say that, Media and Locality playing an important roles to spreading Hinduism ideology among in India,Vulgarity and Bold scene in movies effect teenage psychology , which leads them to " illegal relation" with others community , Due to the privacy leak fear they indulged with other community Boys, and later on their parents got agreed in Interfaith marriages. ..I knows lot of families their girls are ran with their servants including " Bihari Bahiyye"
Girl married in other religion will follow the same faith as her husband following and her kids would be grows as per their (His) faith. .Women is consider "Jag Jan ni" If Sikh "Jan ni" produce "Hindu or Muslim) it would be double benefit to their religion and harmful for Sikhs. Specially division based on language, population and geographical location (as happened in 1 Nov 1966).
>>>Mate, I am deeply concerned about Sikh community, So I always thinks about our Weak points and Strength,Punjab was became no 1 in "Female foeticide" So female population has been declined on the contrary out side Punjab. ..Sikh girls couldn't find Sikhs boys (Due to their short population) for marry and lots of Sikh girls are working in Shopping malls and multinational companies,So they stay in touch with them and later on Married. .Bro I travelled South, East and West part of India and met with local "Gurdwara" and got info from my known living upthere even their kins girls too. ...."Ghar Wapsi and Love Jehad" getting Reward from agencies to marry with Sikh girls 7 lakh to 9 lakh Indian Rupees respectively. .

Proof attached

Bhull Chuk di Maafi Yachak
I'm not your opinion is congruent to any religious philosophy..
But if you search for truth then we have something in common
Nov 21, 2017
@balbir singh , Sir, Thank you so much for criticise my weak points, I assured you I will try to improve my weak points !

1) I m 30 yrs with MA History, but I couldn't find MA History option in profile setting.If you read my previous posts you may get knows about my gender. Creature- It's word used by great philosopher Aristotle,"Man is a social creature".I used humble creature(Tiny) word for me. .reflects my down to earth nature.You should knows that. .

2) I wasn't have any assumption with any SPNers. .I got mislead by someone's name without middle name (Singh or Kaur) that was resolved later and I already apologised for that fault.

3) You raised finger on my English and Education, For your kind attentions, I m not Native English speaker nor I studied in English school nor I attend any English class ever, I m Punjabi speaker and mother tongue is Punjabi( I feel proud on it) I learned everything from myself and mistakes. ..coz I am "Guru ka Shish(Sikh) pupil. I belongs to a poor family in backward village with limited sources in frontier Distt of Punjab. English is Global Language and it's allow everyone including " Humble creature to expose herself/ his self. " It's not a someone's property..No one can stop anyone to using English, My statements are clear and transparent, Grey matter persons can understand it easily coz it presents serious" Social Evils" in our community.I got MA through open university( correspondence)..Show me please where its "atrocious" and Confusing you, You lives in English Developed country (probably Britain) and using "unlimited sources" and have a "Doctorate Degree" , But instead of paying attention on central theme of my views and concern on social evils,You counting my weak points and poor English? Now I m doubtfull on your "Doctorate Degree" where and how you get it from ??

4) My topic was related to social evil and social reform and (Sri Guru Grant Sahib Jee or Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jee) are so sacred, It would be disrespect of both , If I compare or gives their reference for an tiny issues.I'll sure give reference and examples when I need.

Sir, I can't dare to correct, admonish or enlighten you, probably you already have treasure of knowledge and may be you are (Paathi, Granthi or Faith preacher so you always stayed in touch with your (SGGS) or my (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee)
Really community needs preachers like you, Specially in India and Punjab.( who demotivate (humble) persons like me, who concerned about decline population ratio of community, every where in world.

Sir ,You have Doctorate Degree and well knowledge of (SGGS) So you must knows the meaning of " Yachak" .. ..

Let me clear for you!
Yachak- solicitant, begger,mendicant. .

Again Thank you so much for find out my mistakes and raising finger on my English language and Education. .

Sorry for any inconvenience occurred due to me or my word,


Dec 22, 2009
RE: Humble Creature.

You have mentioned that these women are young and impressionable. You've talked about the vulnerability of the teenage mind. You've also talked about the cultural shifts occurring towards more materialistic tendencies.

But let's remember that these changes are not exclusive to young people. They occur in the household where parents are responsible. In households where the PARENTS are not dedicated, male and female children will convert easily. This is the source. The "marriages" are a symptom.

I don't think you can ban certain marriages, that could be violent. But as it stands, if there is actual "grooming" happening, PARENTS need to open enough and have an avenue for their kids to discuss things with them without shaming them to no end. This affects the future of the family and community.

Again, what you present is a SYMPTOM, not a cause. "Banning" certain marriages will do nothing if people are not committed to begin with.


Look for what is, not what you think should be
Nov 5, 2017
@An Humble Creature

ਕੇਰਪਾ ਕਾਰਕੇ ਮੈਨੂ ਸਰ ਨਾਂ ਅਡਰੈਸ ਕਰੋਜੀ।

ਜੇ ਤੂਆਨੂ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਸੌਖੀ ਲਾਗਦੀ ਹੈ ਤਾ ਉਹੀ ਵਰਤੋਜੀ। (Apologies for any errors)

You addressed your answer to @balbir singh. I’m sorry I do not know who that is. Perhaps you may wish to be more accurate in future to avoid confusion. There may be thousands with that name on this planet or on this forum. Accuracy, at least for me, is important. I assume however, that you actually meant to address me,(if not please disregard), so here are my thoughts:

I seem to have touched something in you and hurt something really bad. For that, please accept my unreserved apologies for it is never my intention to hurt, but it is always my intention to learn and correct and learn from my corrections. I could not be fairer to myself than that. I don’t know about anybody else.

You may wish to ponder on this - I remember, long ago, I had presented a case, in writing, to a barrister who had commented “it’s a dog’s dinner, is it not?” He then took great pains to decipher what I had written and presented it in such a way that it made communicative and legal sense to the Judge. Take heart from this. The expectation from him was that despite my having “qualifications”, my presentation did not seem to translate into the expected “legal” standard. The “essence” was there, but the communication was “atrocious” (terrible) or “a dog’s dinner” for him. So what is “atrocious” for somebody may be “flawless” for another. The reason, in my case, lay in the fact that our qualifications were in very different fields. However, I personally do not believe in qualifications. They are simply a means to an end and do not really show what that person really is. What is more important is a person’s thoughts and deeds. Those are the true qualifications. I was born without any ABC or D after my name and I shall die without any such letters attached to me. I believe that the only “qualifications” that my God will be considering would be my “thoughts and deeds” in the life I led. Maybe something more, but nothing less. I may be wrong, but that is my belief.

Aristotle actually used the word “animal” - Man is by nature a social animal; an individual who is unsocial naturally and not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human. Society is something that precedes the individual. Anyone who either cannot lead the common life or is so self-sufficient as not to need to, and therefore does not partake of society, is either a beast or a god. ” Is that what you meant?

My personal beliefs do not include any discrimination whatsoever regarding, caste, colour, height, width, weight, dress, education, wealth, poverty, religion etc. If anyone believes otherwise, then it is entirely a matter of their own opinion, howsoever derived.

You wrote about something that I allegedly possess - “treasure of knowledge”. To me, the more I learn, the less I seem to know and the more I realize how much I don’t know. So, I do not know what treasure you are referring to. Perhaps you can enlighten me?

You stated that you cannot “dare to correct, admonish or enlighten”, me. Regardless if it is me or anyone else, the bottom line is that if you feel that someone is incorrect, rude or in the dark, then is it not your duty to correct, admonish or enlighten, as the case may be? Why do you feel that you cannot? That, I am unable to understand.

Thank you for enlightening me regarding the meaning of “Yachak”. Much appreciated.

I believe some people are awaiting your reply to some questions and issues that they have raised. Please do not let me distract you from your mission regarding “social evil and social reform” and that you are “concerned about decline population ratio of community, every where in world”.

Ek Oankar

Sat Sri Akal
Nov 21, 2017
@navdeep 88,Respected Madam Jee,
For Para 1, One sided sponsored media, Demographic population and Western thoughts are responsible.

Para 2..I agree,That parents are not so dedicated towards their kids specially in (Adults)....Here Luxury Lifestyle, Materialistic thoughts and more concerned about "her" future facts are responsible (As I observed in India)

Any popular newspaper in India ..Ajit or Jag Bani In matrimonial add for Sikh girl as well● " Suitable match for girl. ..Boy should be clean shaven" Religion Cast No bar"
▪Who will be responsible for, Clean Shave or Shorn hair ?? (Girl or her parents or Society or Trend)

●Suitable match for Sikh girl, Religion or cast doesn't matter. .Income must be in 5 Figures,
● And shocked news I read where a Sikh Family looking only Hindu groom (Prefers Gujrati or Rajasthani ...
As well as lot of Girls are in Punjab crazy for settle abroad so they don't bother about religion and age. .
So you may realize, Wat will be the situation and trend in India among Sikh Girls and Wat will be future of Community ? How Sikh Referendum 2020 would be successful ?How possible for Sikhs ( Specially living abroad)who are looking for "Sovereign State " ?

# inn gareeb Sikkhan ko, Deho paatsahi#

I knows Respected Madam Jee, I can't stop these type of Interfaith marriage, But still I can try to aware peoples, who surrounding me as well as they may share it with their known (specially during in congregation or festival)

Babbay and Jatheydar should release"Hukamnamas" against these marriage and stop them to enter in Sikh temple's (Specially Girl family) Who converted into another faith. (It happened in Smethwick Gurdawara England) Thankful to Smethwick Sangat and Gurdwara management, For release positive impact in Sikhs.

Sorry if anything wrong or misspelt. .



Aug 13, 2012
Any popular newspaper in India ..Ajit or Jag Bani In matrimonial add for Sikh girl as well● " Suitable match for girl. ..Boy should be clean shaven" Religion Cast No bar"
▪Who will be responsible for, Clean Shave or Shorn hair ?? (Girl or her parents or Society or
These are not popular newspapers moreover even if they were that would not be evidential of your proposition
Nov 21, 2017
@Respected Sir Sukh Singh Jee,
These are popular newspaper in Punjab and in Punjabi language Tribune and Punjab Kesri as well, Matrimonial Advertisement is evidence of my proposition. ...I can send you recent add if you allows me to do so,

But I don't knows , Why we stuck and divert yo baseless issues rather than main "Serious Concerns facing by our community"

Mostly, Why we stop on different platforms, Instead to unite on same platform for " Social Reforms" ??

Apologise for wrong , misspelt word !


Aug 13, 2012
@Respected Sir Sukh Singh Jee,
These are popular newspaper in Punjab and in Punjabi language Tribune and Punjab Kesri as well, Matrimonial Advertisement is evidence of my proposition. ...I can send you recent add if you allows me to do so,

But I don't knows , Why we stuck and divert yo baseless issues rather than main "Serious Concerns facing by our community"

Mostly, Why we stop on different platforms, Instead to unite on same platform for " Social Reforms" ??

Apologise for wrong , misspelt word !
I absolutely agree with you that we should be speaking about serious issues facing 'our' community.. Which is why I am confused by your assertion..

As you clarified the newspapers you referenced are popular in punjab and I, being a pedant was referring to the fact you originally said India..

So called 'Matrimonial evidence' you draw upon doesn't prove anything..

I further find it strange that after making such assertions you find responses and commentary upon them as unnecessary.. I'm not sure why you bothered..

I would just like to say that 'serious issues facing our community' for me means issues facing all and everyone



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