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Punjabi: Russia and Ukraine War Like Situation

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
The 20th Special Forces have been in the Ukraine almost since the ban on their training Ukrainians was lifted when Biden came into office. They may still be in the country, but they are certainly training Ukrainian soldiers in Romania and Poland.

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
In a new offensive in the Donbass, the Russians have radically changed tactics. Now they are focusing on massive artillery shelling of Ukrainian positions, with the active use of multiple launch rocket systems, and also often use heavy flamethrower systems Solntsepek (an early modification of it was called Buratino). They use incendiary and thermobaric ammunition and burn the area where the Ukrainians have entrenched themselves.


Therefore, Ukrainian forces now have high losses - about 70-100 KIA per day. The key superiority of the Russians now is in artillery.

Tanks and armored personnel carriers are the last things, the Russians use with such tactics, so their losses in armored vehicles are now lower than they were during the Kyiv operation. At that time, the Russians were losing about 30 tanks and armored personnel carriers daily.

The Russians now have a very large number of artillery systems, and the Ukrainians do not have enough artillery to conduct an effective counter-battery fight. In addition, the Russians have a huge amount of ammunition. The West has recently been supplying its own artillery, but the Ukrainian army still lacks it. The Ukrainian military says that the ratio of artillery to Russians is now less than 1:10.

As for combat drones, Ukrainians continue to use them. But keep in mind that the Russians have a lot of electronic countermeasures systems that can reduce the effectiveness of controlling Ukrainian drones.

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010

Ukraine tried to kill Putin in the drone strike, says Russia​

Describing the overnight 'drone attacks' on the Kremlin residence of Russian President Vladimir Putin, by Ukraine, as a "terrorist attack," Russia has said it has the "right to retaliate" in a manner, place, and time of its choosing, Russia Today quoted statement of President office.
Russia alleged that there were attempts by Ukraine to assassinate President Putin, saying it was a "terrorist attack" while claiming it shot down drones over the residence of Putin.
Russian President Vladimir Putin did not get injured in the overnight drone attacks on Kremlin and Russia considers the drone attacks, an attempt on President's life, President's press service announced on Wednesday, Russia Today reported.
According to Putin's staff, Ukraine launched two drone attacks overnight with the intention of hitting his apartment in the Kremlin.
"The head of State was not in Kremlin at the time of "Ukrainian UAV attack" on Tuesday night,"Kremlin's Spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said.

Ukraine Continues To Mourn Its Dead

Ukraine Continues To Mourn Its Dead​

Putin survives assassination attempt: Report

Putin survives assassination attempt: Report​

He also said that President Putin is currently working from his residence near Moscow and that his schedule remains unchanged.
The drones were destroyed using electronic warfare measures and caused no casualties or damage, the press service added.
According to a report in Russia Today, the message said, "As a result of this terrorist act, the President of the Russian Federation was not injured. His work schedule has not changed, it continues as usual."
The Kremlin also noted that the Russian side reserves the right to take retaliatory measures as it sees fit, reported Russia Today.
Peskov added that the incident won't interfere with the Victory Day parade that is scheduled to take place on May 9 on Red Square.
The Kremlin previously reported that the two UAVs had targeted the Kremlin, but both were shot down before they could pose any damage, according to Russia Today.
Prior to being shot down, both of the UAVs that had targeted the Kremlin, according to the Kremlin, were shot down.
On social media, several viral videos purportedly show a plummet of smoke rising against the nighttime cityscape from the territory of the former Russian capital.
The Kremlin press service also said, "Two unmanned aerial vehicles were aimed at the Kremlin. As a result of timely actions taken by the military and special services using radar warfare systems, the devices were disabled."
The statement said, "We consider this a pre-planned terrorist action and an attempt against the Russian president," adding that the incident happened "ahead of Victory Day and the parade on May 9, when foreign guests plan to be present."

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
Russia claims Bakhmat taken up to each house. Ukraine denies. Taking over Bakhmat may change over the entire direction of battle in favour of Russia.

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
Russia's problems do not end with winning war on Ukraine. NATO with the help of USA is creating more allies to subdue Russia. Russia' neighbouring states adjoi9ning NATO are the future problems for him. For example take Finland. Finland has a border with Russia that is 1,340 km long. Much of the border is former Finnish territory that was taken by Russia in 1940.

Russia has been pressurising Finland not to align with NATO. Finland however feels that it will be more safe if aligned with NATO since Russia has never invaded a NATO country. This is the major problem. Threat is not Finland; threat is NATOs increasing influence around Russian neighbours

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
There are claims and counterclaims about Russians having captured Bakhmut. Russia's Wagner Group claims to have captured the entire Bakhmut. However the Ukraine has shown the photograph of Bakhmat and the area still controlled by Ukrainians in Bakhmut.
Earlier Ukraine's Syrskyi reported that although his forces currently control "a small part of Bakhmut", the importance of its defense doesn't change, since the ZSU are close to taking the city into a tactical encirclement (see below). This will give the opportunity to enter the city later when the operational situation changes.

May 21, the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine also announced that, despite the Russians' statement, Ukraine still continues to control a small part of Bakhmut.
New footage from the “Raccoon" drone showing how destroyed Bakhmut is from the actions of Russian terrorists.






Photos: 93 OMBr Kholodny Yar

Current mapping

Russian forces are pushing ZSU outside the main city of Bakhmut, except for a small part, SW. However, the next map shows Ukrainian counter offensives, both North and now South, attempting to sustain a push to encircle.



Looking at Avdiivka, south of Bakhmut, it appears that the Russians are attempting a similar strategy to encircle ZSU positions here, including airstrikes and increased artillery. ZSU still defend.


Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
In a desperate effort, Ukraine has sent its groups into Russia's bordering localities which are effectively being repulsed by Russians with great losses.

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
Russia has moved nuclear weapons to Belarus. The USA too has deployed nuclear weapons in Europe. in case Russia uses nuclear weapons against Ukraine will the USA trigger its nuclear weapons, it being a proxy war between Russia and the USA?

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010

Russia’s Belgorod, and Ukraine’s Dnipro attacked as the war escalates​

Russian officials say the border region came under attack on Friday, days after a daring incursion, as two are reported killed in Dnipro.
Russia’s southern Belgorod region came under attack from Ukrainian artillery fire, mortar shells, and drones on Friday, authorities said, days after one of the most daring cross-border attacks since the war began.

Hours earlier, two drones attacked a Russian city in a region next to the annexed Crimea Peninsula, officials said.

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
The battle of Bakhmut appears to be over but Russia had large number of causalities some West Press even claiming over 100,000 casualties. The reason of these heavy casualities could be:

  • Many Untrained or fresher troops from Russian side.
  • Russia used prison troops as decoys to locate Ukrainian positions
  • Putin has decided they would win Bakhmut no matter what the costs
  • Some elements of the Russian forces had insufficient ammunition
  • There were reports of barrier troops being used and shooting retreating soldiers
  • The battle evolved to trench warfare and in trench warfare the advantage is with the defender

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
If West (NATO + The USA) stops aid in terms of weapons to Ukraine, the war may end soon because:

A stop to weapon deliveries would have immediate results:
  • A halt to all offensive operations. Future attack plans would be shelved.
  • A complete retreat from several areas that are impossible to defend without proper support.
It would take the Russians little time to completely turn the tide around. All they need is to ramp up their artillery operations and send their troops forward. The Ukrainians would run out of ammo in a few days and either retreat or die: you cannot fight a war without ammunition. So, stopping of support by the West for Ukraine would be fatal.

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
The Russia Ukraine war is also the proxy war between the NATO and The USA. NATO and USA are providing funds and weapons which have been actively used during the war. Devastating Propaganda war by The USA and NATO and Sanctions on Russia too also restrict Russia's power to fight. Despite this Ukraine's city after city have been destroyed by Russia; more than 50% of the people have left the country. Russia has also occupied the Russian language dominated areas of Ukraine. Who is the loser then? Not only Ukraine but also The USA and NATO. Russia's aim was to remove the pride of America and NATO, it has been completed.

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
Russian Capital and Oil refinery attack by Ukraine may further heat up situation.
Moscow was targeted by Drones on Tuesday. The attack lightly damaged three apartment buildings. Five of the eight drones that took part in the raid were shot down, the Defense Ministry said, while three others were jammed and forced to veer off course. Some Russian media and bloggers alleged a larger number of drones were involved, but those claims couldn’t be verified. Putin has declared it as a terrorist attack. Russia may respond heavily to avenge this attack soon.

The attack followed a May 3 drone strike on the Kremlin that lightly damaged the roof of the palace that includes one of Putin’s official residences. Other drones have crashed near Moscow in what Russian authorities described as botched Ukrainian attempts to attack the city and infrastructure facilities in the suburbs. The drone attack is said to have been on the advice and active support of the US and NATO which may take serious repercussions.
The attack, however, exposed glaring breaches in its air defenses and underlined the capital’s vulnerability as more Russian soil comes under fire amid expectations of a Ukrainian counteroffensive. It has angered Russia’s hawks, who scathingly criticized President Vladimir Putin and the military brass for failing to protect the heart of Kremlin power more than 500 kilometers (310 miles) from the front line.

Last week, the Russian border region of Belgorod was the target of one of the most serious cross-border raids since the war began, with two far-right pro-Ukrainian paramilitary groups claiming responsibility. Officials in the southern Russian city of Krasnodar near annexed Crimea said two drones struck there Friday, damaging residential buildings. The attacks also drew calls for bolstering Russia’s borders.

Ukrainian authorities rejoiced over Tuesday’s drone attack but customarily avoided a claim of responsibility, a response similar to what they said after previous attacks on Russian territory.

In retaliation, the Russian military pummeled the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv and other cities with cruise missiles and exploding drones for the past three nights, a significant spike in such attacks that have been regularly launched since October. The Ukrainian military said it shot down most of the missiles and remained coy about reporting damage from the strikes.
This retaliation may heat up the war further the USA and NATO cheering Ukraine and the end to the war does not seem near.

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
There has been increased activity of Russian air in European space. It has been reported in the last two weeks. There could be several reasons:
  • Reports from the leaked Pentagon papers said Ukraine was short on surface-to-air missiles
  • Russia has run out of its more conventional ground weapons and this is all that they have left
  • The ground weapons are not getting the jobs b done and Putin is looking to other alternatives
  • Putin is looking for a way to break the stalemate
  • The increased use of air power is an anticipation of the coming Ukrainian offensive
The implications are we may be entered a new phase of the war in which Europe may be involved directly.

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010

About 60, 000 people are affected. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov accused Ukraine fighters of sabotaging the dam because “Ukrainian armed forces are not achieving their goals” in large-scale offensive operations. Russia also blames the west for finding an excuse to supply F-16 fighter jets.
[Al Jazeera]

F-16s are coming​

Zelenskyy said he received promises of F-16 jets from EU members meeting on the sidelines of the European Political Community summit. “I’ve already gotten some insight from some of our European partners about the number — it’s powerful. I am very happy with the information I have received from some states,” Zelenskyy said. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said a coalition comprising the Netherlands, Denmark, United Kingdom and Belgium would start training Ukrainian pilots to fly F-16s “as soon as possible”. German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius said his country would decide whether to send Ukraine F-16 fighter jets within two weeks. “We are just in the phase of reconsidering and checking what is possible and what we want and can do,” Deutsche Welle quoted Pistorius as saying.

The Australian Financial Review said Australia was in talks with the United States about sending 41 Royal Australian Air Force F/A-18 Hornets to Ukraine following US approval. An announcement could come as early as July when Australia will unveil another military aid package for Ukraine, according to Ukrainian Defence Minister Oleksiy Reznikov. Ukraine has said at least six months of pilot training is necessary, so F-16s will not play a role in the current counterattack, suggesting more heavy ground fighting lies ahead.

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan CNN’s Fareed Zakaria said : “We do believe this counteroffensive will allow Ukraine to take strategically significant territory back,” but he did not suggest it would be a final blow to Russia.


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Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
Prime Minister Narendra Modi met Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Japan's Hiroshima during the G7 Summit, where India advocated for peace talks through dialogue and diplomacy. The move, according to multiple Russian news outlets, was not appreciated by Moscow officials.

Although it sounds quite familiar amid the fact the intergovernmental organisation had removed Moscow from the list of member counties in February this year, multiple media reports claimed that the Kremlin has been pressuring governments including India to furnish maximum support to save Russia from any catastrophic economic disaster.

According to a recent report published by Bloomberg, several top officials of Russian President Vladimir Putin have been engaged in discussions with their Indian counterparts to circumvent possible action by the United States and its allies.

However, the Bloomberg report claimed the ongoing situation could hamper India's trade relations with its "all-weather" friend- Russia. Quoting a Russian state agency, Bloomberg reported that Russian officials "warned" counterparts in India of a cascade of unpredictable and negative consequences for cooperation in defence, energy and transportation if the FATF adopts new measures against Moscow-- a claim that New Delhi has yet to react.

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
Belarus has continuously supported Russia without any strings attached even though it had to lose the presidency of the Security Council being a supporter of Russia.
Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko while attending a meeting with the heads of the security councils of the Collective Security Treaty Organization said. " The West wants to control the entire world. Its present focus is on subduing Russia, next may be China."
"In his mind, it's basically the West finding the way to help Russia fail without fighting it directly," said Belarusian political analyst Artyom Shraibman. “It's an acknowledgment that the unity of Western forces has caused Russia and Belarus to spend numerous resources on the war. The Belarusian president was already too attached to Putin's hip to be able to make any other determination than to fight alongside him.”

The truth remains that the West is more than willing to help Ukraine defeat Russia and its allies. In the meantime, Lukashenko's support of Russia has cost Belarus one of five rotating non-permanent seats on the U.N. Security Council. The United Nations General Assembly voted in favor of Slovenia instead.

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
It is globally felt that India must play an effective role in getting both Russia and Ukraine to speak and through dialogue settle out the differences. It is known that in this war the USA and the western nations specially NATO nations are fighting a proxy war more close to a direct war where they are providing weapons, funds, information, propaganda and moral support to Ukraine. Hence any country from the west or the USA cannot be the mediators. Major alternatives left are China and India. China's mediat4ion will be objected by the West and the USA hence the only country left is India. China at present is in the spree of gaining foot through successful negotiations between with Saudi Arab and Iran; and now between Palestine and Israel since Palestine considers the USA as a biased mediation. Since mediations increase your political and even economic prestige it is very useful for India to take a lead and bring Russia and Ukraine to talk and help settle their issues.
Ukraine has been demanding this and Putin has also agreed to accept this.. Where is the hurdle? Indian diplomacy should work harder to work towards this and without delay.

Russia has helped India during 1962 where it pressed upon China not to occupy Indian territories. In 1965 it mediated between Ayub and Shastri to halt war and in 1971 it brought its flotilla to oppose The US flotilla. Even now it is in the process of supplying oil from Refinery in India to Pakistan to obviate IMF pressure or Pakistan.
Russia helped India build India's first nuclear plant in the early 1960s. Russia also helped India build many public sector undertakings by providing the required technical know during our initial days (post independence). They helped us build eminent technical institutions of higher education. IIT Bombay is a great example. We also know that much of our military equipment are Russian made. The socialist orientation of our country was also inspired by Russian thought process. It is therefore very clear that Russia has always been close to India and as a matter of great strategic importance also having Russia by our side is a great deterrent for China. We must never forget the good they did to us and as far as possible we should also extend our helping hand in whatever ways we can.

Both Putin and the foreign minister of Russia have net Indian PM and discussed the issue. Similarly Zalenski has discussed the issue with India PM. Hence with speeded up diplomatic actions we can make the meeting between the two warring nations a reality.



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