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Acceptance Is In Order At This Time

Sep 20, 2004
Be willing to have it so. All issues, all disturbances, all conflicts can be
handled by understanding what the problem is and accepting it, then changing it.
As the saying goes, we are either part of the problem or part of the solution.
When we are disturbed about something or someone, it is because we do not
understand on a higher level but view it through our personality, which is
attached to our need to control things and see ourselves in a positive light. I
have seen lot of emotionalism and tunnel vision in debates over the form. When
one becomes emotional, he becomes irrational.

If some facet of our life is unacceptable, and we have been up front in dealing
with it to no avail, sometimes the only way through is to accept that this is
so. We cannot find serenity when we are at war with someone or with ourselves.
Nothing happens on this great green earth by mistake. Unless we accept our
situation and learn from it, we cannot be happy. If we learn from it, then we
need not beat ourselves up. Nor do we need to beat up others with blame words.
We need only concentrate on our part of the situation; what needs to be changed
in our way of thinking and having done so, happiness will follow.

Forgiveness can never be imposed, willed or insisted upon by yourself or by any
other...It cannot be a should. Holding on to an ancient hurt manifests as a
blockage of energy hidden in the body that plays itself out in the daily life.
As anger beliefs are not only of the head, but also of the energies of the body,
the issue must be fully experienced to change the beliefs. Resentment and
revenge thoughts are sometimes hard to break, but we can continue to ask them to
leave. We can continue to ask our mind to stretch so we can see things in a
different way. We can become quiet inside and turn things over to our Higher
Power. The urgings of the Higher Self come forth to perceive the old hurt in a
new way, saying, "Look, look at this.... There are greater gifts waiting for you

Forgiveness is detachment from how we insist things must be. The act of release
comes only when the energies of the issue have played them through and there is
surrender to the greater understanding of things. Self-forgiveness is sometimes
the hardest. There must be a full understanding and acceptance of the murky
darkness of our nature before release comes. On some level there is an
understanding of "Yes, I am this and I have choice as to how I deal with it."
Forgiveness is accepting the unacceptable in us and seeing it in a new light. It
is to know that all that is within us is of human nature. Forgiveness is to go
past the hurt of the little self into the connection with the greater Self. To
forgive is to surrender. Forgiveness is to say, "Thy will be done."

How would you feel if you were told that from this moment forward, you could
always get exactly what you wanted? This is precisely what I'm telling you here.
You can always, in any circumstance, get exactly what you want from life if you
always, in every circumstance, learn to want what you get.

We can never trust in even the most favorable of circumstances, for we know
that they are always subject to the change. The people in our lives that we love
and respect may be wonderful and seem infinitely worthy of our trust. Yet they
too can always change, or leave us, or die. We might think, "Well, maybe I can't
trust circumstances or other people, but I can always trust in myself." This
sounds good at first, but can we ultimately trust, even in ourselves, but we
would have to admit that over the years we have even failed ourselves in any
number of ways. So even trusting in oneself is not the final answer.

What can we trust absolutely? What can we always depend on in any
circumstance? We can trust this present moment. Whatever happens in this very
moment can be depended upon to be just exactly as it is. If I lose everything I
have, I can still depend on this moment to be what it is. If I meet the perfect
person and fall in love, or if I win a million dollars, it can be depended upon
to be just what it is. Whether what is traditionally referred to as good or bad
happens to me, I can depend on that. This is not a fatalistic or passive
approach to life. We may very well be given seemingly insurmountable obstacles
in life in order to learn what we can, by overcoming them. But if we face these
obstacles with a basic acceptance, we are much more likely to possess the
calmness of mind necessary to see with some clarity the most skillful means of
overcoming them. What keeps us constantly struggling with life is the attitude
of non-acceptance, of not trusting the basic process of life unfolding. We
suffer under the false assumption that the goal of life is to always avoid what
we find unpleasant and to try to dwell in constant comfort. We don't really
understand that life is nothing personal. It is much bigger than that. We need
to learn to trust in and surrender to this impersonal process we tend to think
of as "my life." We have to let go I and Me .

" Kabir, Mera Mujh Mehn Kich Nahin, Jo Kich Hai So Tera,

Tera Tujh Ko Saopte, Kia Lage Mera"

Virinder S.Grewal


Sep 16, 2004
It was really nice to read such a beautifully written thoughts which are some times difficult to express and truly believe that only real solution as total acceptance to the moment to live in



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