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ਹਮਾਸ-ਇਜ਼ਰਾਈਲ ਯੁੱਧ, 2023: ਇੱਕ ਵਿਸ਼ਲੇਸ਼ਣ


Jun 6, 2018
Muslim hatered for jews has existed well before Israel ever came into being.
“If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more ‎violence. If the Jews put ‎down their weapons ‎today, there would be no ‎more Israel’‎” Golda Meir.
This sums up everything .


Jun 6, 2018
Muslim hatered for jews has existed well before Israel ever came into being.
this hatred coontinues in present as well as A survey done by Cygnal presents that 60% of Muslim Americans opined that Hamas was justified in its attack on Israel.
This is the mentality they grow up with


Jul 22, 2023
Israel's counter-terrorism approach with relentlessly muscular, tough, inhuman and unforgiving approach by killing over 17000 (70% women and children ) does not seem to be providing the aim set by Netanyahu who have spelled out wrong endgame of total elimination of Hamas and getting its abducted released. Now only answer is the ceasefire and exchange of all prisoners and abducted for Netanyahu to save his skin. But that too does not seem possible that after end of the war there are more chances of his dismissal by Israeli public than his possibility of continuing. Perpetual enmity with Arabs and Palestine will however will leave Israel under future threats like October attack. Strong arm tactic does not work under such situations when you are dealing with neighbours. Military tactics should also be working under political negotiations. War never gives a solution; solutions can only be achieved through peace.


Aug 10, 2022
If prescribed solutions to this problem are based on common sense, fairness and a normal understanding of human behaviour, then what Dr. Dalvinder Singh Grewal is proposing, makes perfect sense.
The challenge is to learn the reasons for a superhuman Jew hatred in Islam.
First we need to recognize that an extreme Jew hatred among Muslims exists. Only after that can we start looking for its origins.


Jun 6, 2018
Listen to the responses by Presidents of MIT ,Penn ,HArvard about AntiSemitism..

All moralities are function of funding



Aug 10, 2022
Qatar is a strong supporter of Muslim Brotherhood.
Muslim Brotherhood wants to revive the Islamic Caliphate and ultimately to bring total victory for Dar-Ul-Islam in its war against Dar-ul-Harb.


Jul 22, 2023
The Israeli military released a photo of Hamas military leaders with five circled in red and labeled “eliminated.” They included the chief of Hamas’s aerial division and two battalion commanders.
Hamas has confirmed that at least three of the men in the picture had been killed.
An airstrike hits Rafah, where Israel had urged Gazans to seek safety.
The Justice Department says it is investigating the deaths of 30 Americans on Oct. 7.
Gazans flee to the village of Al-Masawi, but find little shelter or aid there.
The hostage families have a message for Netanyahu: Time is running out.
The head of the U.N. asks the Security Council to declare a cease-fire in Gaza under a rarely invoked rule.

Hamas has confirmed that at least three of the men in the picture had been killed.

A photo of 11 men seated at a low table with food and drinks. Red circles labeled “eliminated” are around five of their faces.

An annotated photo released by the Israeli military shows 11 senior Hamas military leaders. The army said the photo had been taken in a tunnel in northern Gaza.Credit...Israel Defense Forces

A photo of 11 men seated at a low table with food and drinks. Red circles labeled “eliminated” are around five of their faces.

The Israeli military has released a photo of 11 senior Hamas military leaders gathered in a tunnel beneath Gaza and said that five of them had been killed.
Among those in the annotated photo the army said it had eliminated were the head of Hamas’s aerial division, two battalion commanders, a brigade commander and a deputy brigade commander.

Here is what Aljazeera says
Israel says its forces are operating in the “heart” of Khan Younis in southern Gaza, as increased fighting has continued to exacerbate the dire humanitarian situation. An Israeli attack in the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza kills 22 members of Al Jazeera correspondent Momin Alshrafi’s family. For the first time since taking up his post, UN chief Guterres invokes Article 99 to force the Security Council to address the war in Gaza, warning it “may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security”. Palestinian UN envoy Riyad M. It ansour appeals for action from the ICC, saying Israel has shown “the deepest contempt” for laws the court must protect. Israel approves “minimal supplement” to fuel deliveries to Gaza, saying it would allow in just enough to “prevent a humanitarian collapse”.

Both of these papers have different angles which do not coincide. due to their thinking process and approaches. Truth lies in between.
Truth is Israel does not bother for civilian population may it be 15000 civilians 70% of them women and children for 3 leaders. is it not an inhuman approach? Will this ever provide for a perpetual peace for Israel? The fact is that the settlement of Israel in Palestine country was ab initio a wrong decision. Supporting a wrong decision can never be right. Might is not always right.


Aug 10, 2022
If settlement of Israel in "Palestine country" was wrong, what would have been the right location?
By the way, has there ever been a "Palestine country"?


Jul 22, 2023
If some one comes and sits on your property and throws you out of your house how would you feel? There are number of inhabited islands which could have been developed by the British otherwise rather than taking someone else's country which is an ancient civilization. I am neither for the Israel o nor for Palestine but for the right which has not been done by the British and later by US and the west. Solution given by UNO was far better which has not ben followed.


Aug 10, 2022
Well, that someone who came and took the property were Muslim Arabs who threw the Jews out.
Regarding the suggestion that the British could have settled the Jews on some uninhabited island, let us try to apply the same logic to Sikhs. How happy the Sikhs would be to get their nationhood on some uninhabited island, far away from their beloved Punjab, their ancestral land and ਗੁਰੂਆਂ ਦੀ ਧਰਤੀ?


Jul 22, 2023
Maps of Palestine
Ancient Map

Mandatory Map 1922-1948



This shows how Palestine has been squeezed. That is not all. It is being squeezed further with every campaign. Now Israel wants to squeeze Gaza or even finish Gaza. Where lies the justice?


Aug 10, 2022
Do you have any knowledge about how the Jews were squeezed first?
If there is a fight, should the party which started it get blamed or both sides should be blamed equally? I shall be happy to explain if you would like.


Jul 22, 2023

UN chief invokes rarely used clause to appeal for ceasefire Israeli Foreign Minister slams Guterres, calls his tenure danger to world peace​

UN chief invokes rarely used clause to appeal for ceasefire

Kin of a victim mourn after an Israeli raid at Jenin in West Bank. REUTERS
United Nations, December 7
UN chief Antonio Guterres has invoked a rarely-used article in the United Nations Charter to appeal to the Security Council for a humanitarian ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict and to avert a “humanitarian catastrophe”, which he said had “potentially irreversible implications” for Palestinians and peace in the region. Secretary-General Guterres issued a letter on Wednesday to the President of the Security Council for December, Ambassador Jose Javier De La Gasca Lopez Dominguez, the Permanent Representative of Ecuador to the UN, writing under Article 99 of the UN Charter. Article 99 was last specifically mentioned in a report on December 3, 1971 by then Secretary-General U Thant on the situation in East Pakistan — now Bangladesh. India had emerged victorious against Pakistan in the 1971 war, which led to the creation of Bangladesh.
This is the first time that Guterres has invoked Article 99 of the Charter since he became UN Secretary-General in 2017. Article 99 states that “the Secretary-General may bring to the attention of the Security Council any matter which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security.”
In the letter, Guterres said that more than eight weeks of hostilities in Gaza and Israel have created “appalling human suffering, physical destruction and collective trauma across Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory.”
Guterres urged members of the Security Council to press to avert a humanitarian catastrophe and appealed for a humanitarian ceasefire to be declared.

Meanwhile, in a scathing criticism of Guterres, Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen said his tenure was a danger to world peace. Israel said Guterres’ move was akin to support for the Hamas terror group and an endorsement of the dastardly acts carried by it in Israel on October 7. “Anyone who supports world peace must support the liberation of Gaza from Hamas”, he emphasised. Israel’s ground offensive has sent tens of thousands of Palestinians fleeing to the territory’s southernmost edge and prevented aid groups from delivering food, water and other supplies. — Agencies
Indian-origin soldier killed in gaza
A 34-year-old Indian-origin Israeli soldier among three has been killed during fighting in Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip this week, according to the community members. Gil Daniels from Ashdod was killed in Gaza and his funeral was held at the military cemetery in his hometown on Wednesday.


Jul 22, 2023

Gaza ceasefire​

Security Council must act on UN chief’s appeal​

The Tribune editorial : Updated At: Dec 08, 2023 05:54 AM (IST)​

after Hamas attacked Israel, triggering a fierce retaliation, UN chief Antonio Guterres has invoked the rarely used Article 99 of the United Nations Charter to appeal to the Security Council to facilitate a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. The Article states that ‘the Secretary-General may bring to the attention of the Security Council any matter which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security.’ Guterres has warned that the situation in Gaza is fast deteriorating into a catastrophe with ‘potentially irreversible implications’ for Palestinians as well as for peace and security in the region.
According to Gaza’s Health Ministry, over 16,000 people have lost their lives in Israeli military action during the ongoing war. About 1,200 Israelis were killed when Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups carried out lethal strikes on October 7. Around 240 people had been taken hostage, of whom more than half are still in captivity. A Qatar-brokered truce, which saw Hamas release dozens of hostages in exchange for hundreds of Palestinian prisoners and Israel allowing humanitarian assistance to flow into Gaza, had raised hopes of a de-escalation and an early end to the war. However, the truce lasted just a week and Israel has intensified its attacks since then.
Even as Qatar has claimed that it is making efforts to bring about a comprehensive ceasefire, the Security Council needs to pay heed to the UN Secretary-General’s fervent plea to avert a humanitarian catastrophe. The UN has been under fire for its failure to prevent the situation from spinning out of control. It remains to be seen whether Guterres’ invocation of Article 99 — which was last mentioned in a report by then UN chief U Thant amid the India-Pakistan war of 1971 — will make any visible difference of the ground.


Jun 6, 2018
If some one comes and sits on your property and throws you out of your house how would you feel?
'"When someone forcefully occupy your place "
This is a typical slogan which is being peddled out by PRo PAlestian leftist liberals among the masses .

In a way trying to justify what HAMAS did to Jews by putting up a distorted history that this land Israel is not of Jews.

Lets brefly peek into history.
Jews has been living in state of Israel for about 3500 years.For roughly 2000 years JEWS were conqured by ROMANS , BYzanities they did lot of bad things but they didn't EXILE Jews.

The lose of land of ISRAEL actully occured when the ARABS conquest took place in 17th century . What Arab did was started taking the land of JEWISH farmer.They brought military and took over the land.And in next few centuries JEWS became minoirty.

So it was under ARAB conquest the JEWS lost their HomeLand and ultimately displaced from land of Israel .

The land taken by Arabs was mostly a barron land.

Jews came back to Isarel in the 19thcentury .the return of this result was that Jews started building factories,farms palces of employment.

Arabs from nearby countries started immigrating and they started calling themselves as PAlENSTINE and started this false narrative telling that we have been here for centuries .
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Jul 22, 2023
There are always to sides of the coin. Possibly you are seen from West side coin which has manipulated to fit in there things. I have sent the maps of Palestine from ancient times. In the country of Palestine there were only a sprinkling of Jews in ancient time which came up later.


Aug 10, 2022
Someone asked Muhammad as to how they shall know if the day of judgement is here. His answer should open the eyes of people pontificating about the situation post October 7th barbarism. He said when trees develop tongues and start saying, "O Muslim, come look behind me, there is a Jew hiding, kill him. Rocks develop tongues and start saying, O Muslim, come, look behind me, there is a Jew hiding. Kill him".
So, we need to understand that the Jew hatred among Muslims is doctrinal, deep, persistent and very different than a regular war where each side hates the other. Let us stop looking at the Hamas' behavior as a response to Israeli actions. They simply hate Israel for existing.
Simplistic opinions don't work in this dispute.
Here is an idea. All Hamas has to do for instant peace is accept the right of Israel to exist. But no, they have to have the all the territory from the river to the sea which means no Israel.


Jul 22, 2023
US vetoes UN resolution calling for Gaza ceasefire (December 09, 2023 08:13

File image

The US on Friday (local time) vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution on Gaza calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. The resolution was put forward by the United Arab Emirates and backed by over 90 member states. As many as 13 members of the UNSC voted in favour of the resolution, while the UK abstained from voting. The US deputy representative at the UN, Robert Wood, stressed that the resolution is "divorced from reality" and "would not have moved the needle forward on the ground." ANI


Aug 10, 2022
Those clever maps showing how Israel's territory is expanding are a clever trick to fool the gullible. There never was any Palestine. That area was a part of the Ottoman empire and conquered by the British. The British broke up this region and gave a part to create Israel and the rest to Arabs, namely Jordan. The British mandate was rejected by the Arabs who attacked Israel right at its birth. So they never accepted the statehood offered to them. The Arabs (Jordan, Syria and Egypt) told fellow Arabs who lived there to leave because they were launching a war. The idea was that Israel would soon be destryed and the Arabs would be able to return. After Israel won the war against all odds, the Jews started buying land sold to them voluntarily by the Arabs. Some Arabs did not listen to the advice to leave. These are the ones who are today's Israeli citizens. Of course in later wars, none started by Israel, Israel annexed more territory. That started the concept of "Land for peace" idea whereas Israel has been voluntarily offering to return the land for guarantees of peace. This has not been acceptable to the Palestinians.