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France Wants To Know More About Sikh Religion (in French!)

Oct 12, 2008
Dear members,

I belong to one of those Yahoo groups and in this case it's in French who are
quite interesting in Sikh religion. Is there anyone able to answer the thread in French n order I can post there with all due credits to the author? The groups is unitariens_francophones@yahoogroupes.fr.

Thanks for your attention

Claudia Gaspar

Bonjour Nicolas,

Est-ce que tu me renseigner?Je me suis demandé si le monothéisme sikh était lié à l'islam ou s'il était le prolongement de la bakhti vishnuite,et donc plus hindou qu'on peut le penser.
Etant donné que j'ai lu les deux réponses dans des livres différents;que dit le livre que tu lis à ce sujet?

--- Dans unitariens_francophones@yahoogroupes.fr, nicolas semaille <nicolas_semaille@...> a écrit*:
> Bonjour,
> *
> Je suis en train de lire un livre fort intéressant écrit par un prêtre indianiste
> sur les Sikhs*et paru aux*éditions Brepols de Maredsous.
> *
> On retient souvent en Occident la tenue vestimentaire que porte les plus orthodoxes d'entre eux (turban enroulant des cheveux longs, barbe longue, petit poignard symbolique, bracelet de métal, pantalon court...).
> Cependant, il y a plusieurs branches réformées.
> *
> Ce sont tous des monothéistes stricts mais ils ne considèrent pas Dieu comme personnel mais bien comme impersonnel contrairement à la plupart des religions du Livre.
> *
> Lors de*leur apparition en Inde, les Sikhs ont apporté des réformes nombreuses :
> suppression des castes, du sacrifice rituel des veuves, du mariage des enfants; assistance obligatoire etc.
> *
> Les Sikhs réformés ont à nouveau des gurus alors que les orthodoxes avaient stoppé cette institution suite au voeux de leur 10ème.
> Ces gurus sont cependant la plupart du temps mariés et leur titre n'est pas héréditaire.
> *
> Je trouve que cette religion est fort proche de l'unitarisme universaliste pas seulement par rapport aux croyances religieuses mais aussi par rapport à l'éthique très humaniste.
> On a parfois en tête les images tragiques de l'assassinat de Madame Indira Gandhi par ses 2 gardes du corps sikhs mais c'est oublier que c'était dans le contexte de la guerre d'alors menées par l'Inde contre des séparatistes et extrémistes du Sikhisme ne représentant pas toute la communauté.
> *
> Nicolas


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Claudia ji

How are you doing these days? I hope well and enjoying your new library archival software -- the name i cannot remember.

Your post is a good test of the google translator that Aman ji just installed yesterday. I can read French without it -- and have to say that this message cannot be answered in 25 words or less.

There are several questions that have been the subject of a half dozen threads or more over the 5 years that SPN has enjoyed life.

Not sure how to proceed with your request -- as each questions would require some time-consuming efforts by gracious members.

I wonder if some of the threads already in place that respond to these issues could be summarized and posted?

Let's see if some other members will chime in here and help out. It is somehow amazing, or maybe I should not be surprised, that people in one of the oldest and most literate democracies feel a need for learning about the Sikh religion. Kind of warming that the request to know more was made the way it was. Would that we could see similar efforts made in other languages!

Narayanjot Kaur


Jun 1, 2004
Dear All, SPN now has a Google Translator installed (still on experimental basis, all these flags at the top of the pages), which enables the readers to read all the pages on SPN in 28 other languages.

So, a person with a little bit knowledge of English can search for all the information on SPN on their native languages.

Simply go to search option, look for your keywords, and once the search information shows up, click on the one of the appropriate language flags at the top of the screen and it might take a while to translate but it will be done eventually...

So, you can guide such members to SPN. But, as far as conducting discussions in French is concerned, this is beyond the scope of this forum and is not allowed at SPN at this moment. Sorry! I hope you understand. :)


Oct 12, 2008
I admire France as one of the greatest democracies in the world with a superb cultural background in all areas.

IMHO the thread deserves some sort of answer to keep the subject alive. Of course SPN administrators know it better than I do.



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Claudia ji

I think what I was trying to say -- in a roundabout way is this.

The questions are very important.

They are written in French and only someone who can read French will know how to proceed.

The Google translator translates from English to another language, such as French, but not from another language to English.

So the only way for the questions to be answered is for someone who reads and writes French fluently to do all the heavy lifting to research and think through each answer and then get the questions answered. How many members do we have that can do that?

Let's have the question posted in English.
Oct 12, 2008
Narayanjot Kaur,

Your text is as clear as a cloudless sky in a spring day with crispy atmosphere.

And I want to add an additional comment: if Sikhs don't tell about themselves who would do on their behalf? There must be someone who speaks both English and French and lives in France. SPN is more able to find such Gurmukh than any other organization. The time to clarify doubts is now when xenophobia is increasing in Europe.



ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Si Sikhs don' ; t indiquent au sujet d'eux-mêmes qui feraient en leur nom ?

Claudia Ji, I' ; m si heureux d'entendre ces mots.
Ils m'ont frappé à la profondeur de mon coeur.
Merci tellement. I don' ; t parlent français mais j'ai utilisé le traducteur de Babelfish pour donner ce message à vous.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Here's the Babelfish Translation in English of the Original Post in French.

Hello Nicolas, You to inform me? I wondered whether the monotheism Sikh were
related to l' Islam or s' it was the prolongation of the bakhti vishnuite,
and thus Hindu qu' one can think it. Being given that j' read the two answers in different books;
what says the book which you read on this subject?

David, --- In unitariens_francophones@yahoogroupes.fr, Nicolas sowing has écrit*:
> > Hello, > * > I am reading an extremely interesting book written by a priest indianist > on Sikhs*et published
aux*éditions Brepols de Maredsous. > * > One often retains in Occident the appropriate dress that most orthodoxe d' carries;
between them (rolling up turban of the long hair, beard long, small dagger symbolic system, bracelet of metal, short trousers…).
> However, there are several reformed branches. > * > They all are of the strict monotheists but they do not consider well God
as personal but as impersonal contrary to the majority of the religions of the Book. > * > At the time de*lor appearance
in India, Sikhs brought many reforms: > suppression of the castes, the ritual sacrifice of the widows, the marriage of the children;
obligatory assistance etc > * > Sikhs reformed have gurus again whereas the orthodoxe ones had stopped this institution
following the wishes of their 10th. > These gurus is married however most of the time and their title n' is not
hereditary. >
> I find that this religion is strong close to l' unitarianism universalist not only compared to the religious beliefs
but also compared to l' very humanistic ethics. > There are sometimes at the head the tragic images of l' assassination of
Mrs Indira Gandhi by her 2 Sikhs bodyguards but c' is to forget that c' was in the context of the war d' then carried out
by l' India against separatists and extremists of Sikhisme not representing all the community.

> Nicolas >