Just out of curiosity, has the topic of the dasam granth been brought before the Akal Takht for an official decision recently?
As I understand it there are parts that have been declared to be the writings of Guru Gobind Singh and other parts that aren't. I've read various articles over the topic but have only found one official letter from the Akal Takht.
As I understand it in some places it put at the same level as the Adi Granth which strikes me as completely against the instructions of Guru Gobind Singh.
This controversy seems to have been raging for years now. Is the Panth going to put the issue to rest any time soon?
I don't want this thread to become an endless discussion of is not.. is too,,is too ,, is too.
I would just like to know if people in authority are addressing the issue and if so how?
As I understand it there are parts that have been declared to be the writings of Guru Gobind Singh and other parts that aren't. I've read various articles over the topic but have only found one official letter from the Akal Takht.
As I understand it in some places it put at the same level as the Adi Granth which strikes me as completely against the instructions of Guru Gobind Singh.
This controversy seems to have been raging for years now. Is the Panth going to put the issue to rest any time soon?
I don't want this thread to become an endless discussion of is not.. is too,,is too ,, is too.
I would just like to know if people in authority are addressing the issue and if so how?