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My Purchase Of The 1994 Blue Range Rover LSE

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
The purchase of this car was a defining moment in my life, it taught me something very important, it was a few years ago, I had only just bought a 1993 green Range Rover, however, it did not have the brooklands body kit, nor the soft dash, but it did drive smoothly and although it looked terrible, it was reliable and being LPG, economical. But then I saw this blue LSE on ebay, it was stunningly beautiful, brooklands body kit, soft dash, air suspension, LPG, so I tied up the purchase and got the train to some tiny village in the North.

I have been on blind dates before, but this was something a million times more exciting, I was so nervous, I had been dreaming about the car all week, eventually I arrived, got off the train, and there she was, gleaming blue, she had been owned by a mechanic, who promised that he had taken care of her, and spent a fortune on maintaining her, I paid him, hugged him with a big bear hug, and set off for the 300 mile drive home, just me and the car, getting to know each other. After 10 miles, she did not feel right, the power coming from the 4.2 V8 was just not there, the steering was funny, the brakes made grinding noises, and there was a leak from the windscreen. Maybe I was just being too fussy, eventually I made it home, parked her, next to the green one, who looked quite sad, and went to bed.

The next day, I took her to a garage, who changed the brake discs and pads straight away, they were surprised I had driven her in that state, and commented I was lucky to be alive, the brake lines were rotten, there was no damper on the steering, there were lots of bad things.

I calmly rang the chap, stated the problems, and he promptly shouted at me that it was his pride and joy, and put the phone down. I recall sitting on the pavement realising I had been conned, and conned well. All, however was not lost, I had made some payment by Paypal, so I could freeze the money, after an hour, I realised that the happy person I normally am, had been replaced by a bitter angry vengeful person. I also realised that sorting this out, arguing with the chap, dealing with paypal, getting the car back up to the North, getting back down again, was all going to take an awful amount of effort, emotion and anger. I felt angry, really angry, what I really wanted to do was drive the car back up, park it outside his garage, and torch it. I could not understand it, finding the car, buying it, had all seemed fated, like it had the blessing and the hand of God, how could it have turned out so bad??

It was at this point I learned a very important lesson, I was more interested in how the car looked than how it drove, and it did look much better than the green one, and it really was not worth getting angry about, why should I waste my time, energy, ruin a few days, be grumpy with my wife, etc etc.

I sent him a text, told him I would not bother him again, and forgot about it.

Did I expect him to get divine justice for this huge con? No, I did not, God gives us all free will to do as we please, without superstition, or divine signs that we are following the right path, he makes the rules, he tells us the rules, and then he lets us get on with it. God is not going to change the laws of Creation so that we do not get hurt, no matter how pure, religious, faithful we are. In the Abrahamic religions there seems to be a huge emphasis on pleasing God, keeping God happy, doing as God wants, in order to please him, in the vain hope that some of that pleasing may rub off onto us in the shape of good luck, fortune.

What I love about Sikhism is the complete lack of this, follow Hukam not to please God, but to please yourself, make your own fortune, make your own luck, just do the right thing, act in the right way, forget about the others, how their lives turn out, or whether they face divine punishment is none of your business, it has no bearing on your life.

The whole episode taught me that things that look good, do not always have good inside. Anything can look good, but to be good takes something more than the cosmetic. And if you allow yourself to be swayed by looks, and realise all is not what you thought, dont complain, dont get angry, you did the deal, you had the chance to look inside, to take time to enquire. Finally, when people have wronged you, revenge, anger, the need for divine judgement, its all pointless, if it is a non recurring situation, ie, a one off, sometimes it is better to just forgive and forget. However, only a fool would allow someone who had already wronged them, to be given the chance to wrong them again

The car ended up costing a fortune, I sold it to a guy from Sweden who broke it for parts.
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Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
What I love about Sikhism is the complete lack of this, follow Hukam not to please God, but to please yourself, make your own fortune, make your own luck, just do the right thing, act in the right way, forget about the others, how their lives turn out, or whether they face divine punishment is none of your business, it has no bearing on your life.


Hmm I am going to assume you wrote the first bit a bit wrong.

The guiding principle of Sikhi is that of the Gurmookh, and the Munmookh.

Gurmookh being God willed and Munmookh being selfwilled.

Hukam is the will of God. The second bit I do agree. No point sitting around crying. Get up off your backside and make things happen. Some people just sit their praying thinking God will do it for them.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Hmm I am going to assume you wrote the first bit a bit wrong.

The guiding principle of Sikhi is that of the Gurmookh, and the Munmookh.

Gurmookh being God willed and Munmookh being selfwilled.

Hukam is the will of God. The second bit I do agree. No point sitting around crying. Get up off your backside and make things happen. Some people just sit their praying thinking God will do it for them.

Actually Randipji, I stand by my understanding, although its a bit lonely on this point.

My feeling is that when your will, matches the will of God then you are acting within the Hukam of God.

Allow me to explain, it is now 16.01 in the UK, there is very little petrol in the car. I am extremely tired, but my wife has just rang to say we need to get the ferret to the Vet at 17.00. I really cannot be bothered to get petrol.

Now I can either listen to the voice of Hukam, and leave now and get petrol, and spend the rest of the afternoon confident that I am not going to run out of petrol, or I can take a risk and hope it all goes well.

Now at some point, I may even get to the stage where there is not even an internal debate, not even a choice. At that point, my will mirrors Hukam, and the consequences to my life, and to others round me will reflect that.

I cannot understand the benefit to those that act in a way that mirrors Gods will, but do not agree with it.

I hope one day Hukam is instinctive for me, and I find myself pleased following it, no matter where it sends me.

I hope that makes some sense
Apr 11, 2007
Harry ji, Your car sounds like my ex mrs only I didn't buy her she was a
conscious mistake! Egged on with tradition and the wrong people saying go for it for their own dirty wrong reasons! Bad intentions only bring bad results. If the machnic was truthful to you you would not have bought it same with my ex mrs, without trying to sound chauvinistic . It is not your intention but the other persons intention to sell you damaged goods! lol One thing I would like to point out what if the damaged vehicle had caused a greater loss to you! Would you respond differently then maybe your kids in the car if the vehicle had an accident, or loss of life due to the direct consequence on a negaligent seller! A thought for you Harry ji, "If no action is taken against the seller, it may lead to him maybe selling another car and leading to worser concequences" How would you feel then?
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ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
I think Hukam delivery and dispatch sent the information to the wrong person and it kind of arrived late. Seems like Parma ji got it instead of Harry ji. The Hukam said and I quote,
Harry ji, Your car sounds like .... It is not your intention but the other persons intention to sell you damaged goods! lol One thing I would like to point out what if the damaged vehicle had caused a greater loss to you! Would you respond differently then maybe your kids in the car if the vehicle had an accident, or loss of life due to the direct consequence on a negaligent seller! A thought for you Harry ji, "If no action is taken against the seller, it may lead to him maybe selling another car and leading to worser concequences" How would you feel then? Don't do it this way next time! Pay heed to Hukam in this message kudihug. Not doing your part in a joint buying-selling Hukam is no excuse for either party. I will communicate separately with the seller at a place and time of my choosing :noticemunda:
Love u all, stay in consonance :11_1_121:
Signed .... the one that is all around peacesign

PS: Don't feel that you fell for the looks versus the inners. It was part of another Hukam to make it so very nice and pleasing to look at and be had.

Sent by GodExpress ---> GodEx
We work 24/7 delivering the invisible
Sat Sri Akal.
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Dec 3, 2011
There are 2 types of people in this world when it comes to the above scenario where a death trap has been sold and they have been ripped off.
First, you have the sort that simply accept they have been done over and then just try to get on with it. OR Secondly, you have the ones that will take steps that this seller does not sell a death trap to someone else and try to teach him a lesson.

None of these people is right, wrong or ignorant, we have to be different because that's what makes the world go around. If we were all the same, then it would become a bore!

I would mostly have done what Harryji did.
On many occasions I too have been ripped off and then just tried to deal with it in the same way. I usually feel that if someone else has instigated or caused a negative response from myself, then should I really go back and fire some more negativity from myself or should I try and learn from it.
Usually, if no one is hurt or affected then I would avoid any further negative interactions.

If it was something unjust and someone else was hurt or affected badly, then I don't turn the other cheek and would usually come out on top in a vengeance.

To learn from any experience is what really matters, not who comes out on top or who gains in the long run.
Life is all about learning from your experiences.

(My M-plate rover was also my worst exerience!!!)
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Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Harry ji, Your car sounds like my ex mrs only I didn't buy her she was a
conscious mistake! Egged on with tradition and the wrong people saying go for it for their own dirty wrong reasons! Bad intentions only bring bad results. If the machnic was truthful to you you would not have bought it same with my ex mrs, without trying to sound chauvinistic . It is not your intention but the other persons intention to sell you damaged goods! lol One thing I would like to point out what if the damaged vehicle had caused a greater loss to you! Would you respond differently then maybe your kids in the car if the vehicle had an accident, or loss of life due to the direct consequence on a negaligent seller! A thought for you Harry ji, "If no action is taken against the seller, it may lead to him maybe selling another car and leading to worser concequences" How would you feel then?

In hindsight, I agree with you. I should have not let emotion get the better of me and calmly brought the matter to the attention of the trading standards people. I do not believe in karma, nor divine justice, so it is up to us as a society, to self police.I guess we owe it to consonance to do this, yes, we each have a responsibility

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Actually Randipji, I stand by my understanding, although its a bit lonely on this point.

My feeling is that when your will, matches the will of God then you are acting within the Hukam of God.

Allow me to explain, it is now 16.01 in the UK, there is very little petrol in the car. I am extremely tired, but my wife has just rang to say we need to get the ferret to the Vet at 17.00. I really cannot be bothered to get petrol.

Now I can either listen to the voice of Hukam, and leave now and get petrol, and spend the rest of the afternoon confident that I am not going to run out of petrol, or I can take a risk and hope it all goes well.

Now at some point, I may even get to the stage where there is not even an internal debate, not even a choice. At that point, my will mirrors Hukam, and the consequences to my life, and to others round me will reflect that.

I cannot understand the benefit to those that act in a way that mirrors Gods will, but do not agree with it.

I hope one day Hukam is instinctive for me, and I find myself pleased following it, no matter where it sends me.

I hope that makes some sense

I see what you mean.

When you are not acting on the 5 thieves (Kaam, Krodh, Moh, Lobh and Hankaar) , then your own will matches that of God? Is that what you mean? Selflessness, rather than Selfishness.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
I see what you mean.

When you are not acting on the 5 thieves (Kaam, Krodh, Moh, Lobh and Hankaar) , then your own will matches that of God? Is that what you mean? Selflessness, rather than Selfishness.


That is exactly what I mean, but I feel it goes deeper than that. To my mind, one who follows a path out of fear, or because of a carrot, has understood nothing, has learnt nothing. Again, I think I am out on a limb here, but aversion is as bad as addiction in my view. To understand the thieves, to be able to mock them, to laugh at them, (you want me to do what? hahaha I don't think so), is the state of mind that I would like to be in. I think Hukam only comes into play when you see the lack of thieves for what it is, namely, purity.

I wonder then in the following scenario, who is the better person?

Three men are sitting down in a cafe, drinking tea. A shapely woman walks to the counter, dressed in a mini skirt, 4 inch heels, and a tight top. The first man genuinely sees her as a daughter figure, and ignoring what she is wearing, smiles warmly, inside he laughs as he remembers too what it was like to be young, the second man appears to respond as the first, but in his heart, he has to fight the urge to look upon her as a sex object, through a combination of discipline and a sense of what is right, he manages to control himself and his actions appear sincere, notout of fear of God, but simply because he wishes to be true. The third, looks away, commenting loudly on the shame of the young, and how woman are so loose and available, and generally behaving like a taliban type, terrified of the thoughts in his head, and the effect this woman is having on him.

In my view, the first two are in Hukam, the third is not, and the better person is the second.

For years I felt that there was a universal truth, a universal way to react to every situation, to know what to do, say, think, act. I now believe this universal truth to handle any situation is Hukam. All other attempts at explaining Hukam to me, seem to mirror the concept of fate. As for 'what is written', again, I strongly feel this only applies if you respect Hukam, otherwise its anyones guess where you could end up if the thieves are left in control.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Harry veer ji I beg to differ in interpreting Hukam regarding the lady and three men. Hukam as understood by us mortals is rarely if ever 100% correct. Thoughts as amorous, Kaam driven etc., as they may appear, any actions resulting from these are unknown.

For the same three men and the woman let us consider another scenario. The first amorous man approaches the woman by walking over to her. There is an earthquake and the earth parts taking away the other two more pious men. Do we deduce the Hukam was to allow the so called Kaam driven to be allowed to live and others not as bad to perish? Perhaps we can play with other scenarios and in the end we will be left wondering as to what Hukam really is.

I believe there is a master Hukam and that is simply live in consonance to the best you can. Creator does not want us to sweat the small stuff from the way I feel. Just some personal thoughts.

Over exerting to discover Hukam for all situations is perhaps just as bad as it is to not live in consonance. Just being as with all and living so.

Sat Sri Akal.

PS: In terms of five thieves stuff let us consider something. All stimulants or impacts to us in living can have in part or all of so called thieves. It is like trying to keep a car clean during winter by continuously having a car wash. Knowing full well that it will be a bit dirty as soon you drive away from a car wash. So in such a case the clean has no meaning versus the function or the longevity, permanence that is so desirable (oh no is it a thief!).

Seek no perfection but the ever improving ability to live recognizing consonance all around. That is a genuine ever lasting plan as far as I can tell.
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