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Opinion Demographic Changes In Punjab

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Preview: Demographic change is not a new phenomenon…people have always sought greener pastures from time immemorial. In fact the often quoted saying..the grass always seems greener on the other side proves that people are ready to move at the slightest incentive..real or perceived.

Demographic changes in Punjab… Causes, Conflicts and Solutions…
Views of a Diaspora Sikh…
by Jarnail Singh Gyani “Arshi” … MALAYSIA.

Demographic change is not a new phenomenon…people have always sought greener pastures from time immemorial. In fact the often quoted saying..the grass always seems greener on the other side proves that people are ready to move at the slightest incentive..real or perceived.

Ever since the dawn of the 3rd Millennium….such people movements seem to have accelerated..people are moving across borders in unprecedented numbers – both legally and illegally. Those migrating illegally usually called Number Do which in Punjabi lingo especially from Punjab seem to be in greater numbers as seen from media reports. Thousands of Punjab youths have paid hundreds of thousands even lakhs rupees to fake agents and human traffickers for a chance to enter foreign countries illegally- for every successful “migrant” - many return home penniless and in debt, rot in foreign jails or even die in foreign lands and even worse perish in the jungles or deserts unknown to anyone.

Back home in Punjab…the immigration inwards of the Bhaiyas from UP and Bihar, Rajasthan, Haryana, Himachal and even jammu Kashmir states INTO Punjab initially as seasonal migrant labour ( to fill the vacuum created by the Punjabi Youths migrating out of Punjab) and now as permanent settlers with voting rights, etc is creating demographic changes which seem to alarm many Punjab watchers. From time to time certain quarters in Punjab raise cries of “halt the migrant labour”… migrants cause health problems, migrants raise crime rates..etc etc and completely ignore the positive side of this influx of labour into Punjab. It’s a fact that this labour influx happens because it is sorely needed. In fact these same slogans are also raised against the Mexicans who cross into the USA as seasonal labour…against the Indonesians who cross into Malaysia…against the Poles who cross into the UK etc. Punjabis who migrate to Canada UK etc also face the same types of “ Stereo typed sloganeering” from the whites. This is a world - wide phenomenon and Punjab must also utilize the same measures that other Democratic governments use.

As Punjabis settled abroad we sympathize with our brethren in the Punjab….we too feel your anguish.. we share your fears…but we also see that Punjabis need to take certain measures that do not violate any human rights, are fair and in keeping with the Sarbatt Da Bhalla message of our Gurus.

First of all the Punjabis must impress upon their Govt. that the Foreign Migrants into Punjab must be Registered, Identified, given proper Identification Documents that are forgery proof and have validity dates and thus regularized. This proper documentation will check uncontrolled migration, also check criminal elements, allow for planned development in housing, medical and educational facilities for all and also give both foreigners and locals a better chance to “mutually understand” each other. If these migrants into Punjab are provided certain facilities and rights in Punjab, the Punjab Govt. must ensure reciprocal facilities and rights are granted by neighbor states to Punjabis migrating there. IF for example UP residents can buy land in Punjab.. then Punjabis should be allowed to buy land in UP and vice versa vis a vis Rajasthan, HP, Delhi, JK, Haryana etc. ALL such agreements should be reciprocal. Foreign migrants should not be allowed to own land unless at least seven years of legal residency can be proven, no criminal activity engaged in, have contributed to the state in some way and are decent law abiding migrants. Similar time based restrictions should apply to voting rights, and other rights and privileges accorded to natural born resident Punjabis. The creation of slums and shanty towns with the attendant hygiene problems, disease and criminal activity would thus be nipped in the bud. There would be less stress on town planners, Transport and Health sectors and educational facilities. Controlled migration leads to controlled development.

The second facet of “demographic change” that we see as self inflicted is the Sex Ratio. Going against the very Basic Core teachings of our Guru Sahibaans and Rishis Munis Punjabis seem to delight in foetal murder of unborn baby girls – Kurree Maar is a Kurehit originally banned by none other than Guru Amardass ji. But we have shamelessly forgotten our own humanity and Sarbatt Da Bhalla by murdering our unborn daughters so much so that the Female-male sex ration in Punjab is among the lowest in the WORLD !! What a sordid distinction for the Sikhs of Guru Nanak Sahib Jee .
Here the blame also lies with our Religious Institutions which have basically failed miserably to do right Parchaar of the Gurbani – killing baby girls is a direct consequence of the Dowry Menace…as is daughter-in-law burning ( so that remarriage and more dowry can be arranged ) Soon such a shortage of brides will force Punjabis to look to other states….such as Bihar Bengal UP Rajasthan etc for brides.. and then there will be further erosion of Punjabiat – future generations will be talking a mixture of Bengali and Punjabi !! apart from the erosion of religious values etc etc. The Akal Takhat and SGPC, IOSS and others must take a firm stance in this matter. Thankfully the Delhi Gurdwara management Committee has taken a firm stand against lavish marriages ( mostly funded by the bride’s family at the behest of the Groom’s family demands ) Other Premier Sikh Religious Establishments must take such firm stand in such matters to stem the tide towards economic ruin we have taken upon ourselves – keeping up with the Joneses is one reason for lavishness beyond ones means !! This “Future nightmare” is the main reason a father/mother scans for a baby girl and terminates her before birth.

Third facet of Demographic change that is taking place is rural-urban migration. It is fact that 80% of Punjab lives in the villages….but with declining rural incomes, lower water table, low economic returns from farms etc…. rurals are migrating to the towns for employment, education etc. In this sector too the Gurdwaras and SGPC with their vast resources can take a lead. Gurdwaras have large land holdings which can be used to set up factories, workshops, motor repair centers, computer centers, industries – SME – Small Manufacturing Enterprises funded by the Goluck Collections. Gurdwaras can build Hostels for rural students coming to towns to further their education. Gurdwaras in towns with bigger Goluck collections can “adopt” Rural Gurdwaras/villages to fund rural schools, clinics, pashu paalan veterinary centers, give out small loans to rural farmers for pesticides, beej/seeds etc. We should stop looking to the Govt for much help….our Gurus taught us to be Self reliant – we have the resources but not the WILL. Thus we waste billions on Marble Gurdwaras and Gold Domes which dot the Punjab countryside every few kilometers – while our FUTURE YOUTH are denied basic educational facilities, potable drinking water, good health, etc. Of what use will these golden Domes be to us if there are no SIKHS left to attend these Marble “White Elephants” ?? In fact I read somewhere that the Gurdawaras Act of 1920 which set up the SGPC has clauses which authorize the Gurdwaras to utilize their Funds and Lands for such purposes I have outlined above. But all these have been swept under the carpet and ignored – its time we dug up them up and put our vast resources to good use.

Email: jsarshi@Gmail.com/ Jarnail@Streamyx.com
Founder Parcharak
5S Society Malaysia
(Sikh Samaaj Sewa Sudhaar Society)
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Apr 3, 2005
Thankfully the Delhi Gurdwara management Committee has taken a firm stand against lavish marriages ( mostly funded by the bride’s family at the behest of the Groom’s family demands ) Other Premier Sikh Religious Establishments must take such firm stand in such matters to stem the tide towards economic ruin we have taken upon ourselves – keeping up with the Joneses is one reason for lavishness beyond ones means !! This “Future nightmare” is the main reason a father/mother scans for a baby girl and terminates her before birth.

Recently I attended my cousin's marriage in Delhi.There no such rule of No lavish wedding
The rule is only against Non veg and alchol.But lavish wedding is much more than that


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
This is a really good discussion. The issues and viewpoints are not being discussed in a simplistic way. The problems are complicated and not easy to resolve. It has been really good fortune to read such an intelligent conversation. I have nothing to add to it, except my appreciation for the good reading. :yes:
Mar 26, 2006
In this case the best reformer according to me was Baba Ram Singhji of the Namdhari Kooka Movement. Religiously we may have difference with them for continuing the Guru Gaddi. However, here is what I have read :

In the 19th century, killing girl-child in infancy and her sale-purchase was a daily occurrence in India.The main cause behind these pernicious customs was the enormous burden of marriage expenses and illiteracy. Sri Ram Singh Ji laid emphasis on the education of both boys and girls. He introduced a new expense-less system of mass marriages which is called "Anand Kaaraj". The dowry, marriage procession and various other formalities associated with wed-lock were stopped. The first ever intercaste mass marriages were performed on 3rd June, 1863 in village Khote distt. Ferozepur,


Apr 3, 2005
Boys in India are considered as insurance for old age.That's why demand for boys is so high.There are families in big cities which never discriminate between their sons and daughters but even many of them refuse to take a single penny from daughter ,even if she has been earning in corporate sector with very good income.I beleive to increase the demand for girl child The entire society of india need to be changed,Directly or indirectly we all contribuite for this problem.



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